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XBPMMM: Avatar in progress #1

Avatar in XBPMMM, state 15.03.2022. © J. Kummer/XR_Unites, HTW Berlin

The body and embodiment in virtual reality (VR) play a central role in XBPMMM.  Embodiment is understood as the perception of the environment is not only done by the brain, but also by the body: Body and mind cannot be clearly separated. For the VR experience, this means that both the physical and the virtual avatar are significantly involved in the perception of the own body and the virtual world.

In XBPMMM, the body as well as body images and ideals of Western society are reflected on different levels, such as in theory, on the level of emotions as well as materiality.

The avatar in XBPMMM will change its shape in the course of the game – and has also already undergone a metamorphosis from the standadardized robot to the bubble-shaped amorph during the conceptual development. The beautiful bubble body is hereby conserved – it may have to give way to another body shape in the end.

To be continued …

Avatar in XBPMMM, state 02.02.2022. © J. Kummer/XR_Unites, HTW Berlin