Art meets Tech meets Business (11/22)

You are no longer a greenhorn in the field of XR technologies – augmented, mixed and virtual reality – and you are working freelance and creatively in the capital or studying at the HTW Berlin. Your goal is to combine XR technologies with your artistic, technical or business practice and develop an innovative business model out of it! You bring an idea that could be the starting point for a start-up in the creative industries. You are also interested in networking and exchange – both with experts for start-ups in the creative sector and with like-minded people.

Then the free workshop “Art meets Tech meets Business” on 21.11.22 at 10 am – 6 pm at HTW Berlin is the right place for you!

The goal of the workshop is for you to take the next steps towards implementation with a business model. You will have a clearer idea of who your target group is, what their needs are and how your offer fits in.

Your idea will be put to the test, refined and concretized. To do this, you work with the methods “Persona”, “Value Proposition Design” and “Business Model Canvas”. You reflect on your strengths and weaknesses in order to determine who is still missing in your founding team. At the end there is an outlook on further steps and, if applicable, funding opportunities for your project.

Please note: This is not a technology course. For a preliminary check of the technical feasibility of your idea, we recommend a visit to the XR consultation hour of XR_Unites!

A cooperation of XR_Unites with IDiA – Ideas in Action and the Start-Up Service of HTW Berlin.