Dagmar Schürrer
Dagmar Schürrer studied Fine Art and New Media at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London, UK. As a freelance media artist, she works with the digital, moving image and new technologies such as Augmented Reality. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including at the ICA London, the Moscow Biennale for Young Art, the Supernova Festival in Denver and the Museum of Waste in Changsha, China. She works as a project collaborator for digital media production in the AURORA project at HTW Berlin, and as a board member of mkv – Medienkunstverein she is committed to new forms of presentation of contemporary media art.
Franziska Ritter
Franziska Ritter is a theatre researcher, scenographer and musician. She is the representative for digitality and new technologies of the German Theatre Technology Society (digital.DTHG). In the project Im/material Theatre Spaces, together with Pablo Dornhege, she has been investigating since 2018 what potential digital tools such as Virtual and Augmented Reality can generate in the theatre context. She teaches and researches on the topics of theatre architecture, exhibition design and scenography in analogue and digital space at TU Berlin and other universities.

Johann Habakuk Israel
Johann Habakuk Israel is Professor of Applied Computer Science and Multimedia at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW). He is a member of the research cluster Creative Computing and in the steering committee of the specialist group Be-greifbare Interaktion of the Gesellschaft für Informatik. His work focuses on research into intuitive interaction, tangible interaction and 3D interaction in virtual environments – all areas that also play a role in the XR_Unites project.
Julien Letellier
Julien Letellier studied Applied Computer Science at the HTW Berlin. There he worked within the INKA research group on the development of interactive systems for cultural institutions such as the Berlin Concert Hall and industrial partners. In his PhD, he is researching approaches to collaboration in Augmented Reality environments – in this field he will support the XR_Unites team as an experienced expert.

Oliver Proske
Oliver Proske studied industrial design and founded the theatre ensemble Nico and the Navigators together with Nicola Hümpel in 1998, which has developed from a freelance group to a sought-after partner for major houses and international festivals. Since 2007, the company has been institutionally funded by the Berlin Senate. For the Bauhaus anniversary last year, Nico and the Navigators developed the production Verrat der Bilder (Betrayal of Images) – a multi-user piece with AR glasses.
Pablo Dornhege
Pablo Dornhege studied visual communication, is an exhibition designer and an expert on Virtual and Augmented Reality in scenic spaces. In the Im/material Theatre Spaces project, he and Franziska Ritter are investigating the potential that digital tools such as Virtual and Augmented Reality can generate in a theatre context. Since 2019 he is External Consultant for immersive Story Telling at the American University of Sharjah. Like Franziska Ritter, he is project manager and representative for digitality and new technologies at the German Theatre Technology Association.

Peggy Schoenegge
Peggy Schoenegge is curator and project manager of the exhibition platform peer to space and board member of mkv – Medienkunstverein. Her focus is particularly on digital art and art with new media that deal with the conditions and challenges of the (post-)digital age. She curated the exhibition THIS COULD BE YOU – Disembodiment in Virtual Reality Art (Overkill Festival, 2018) and is the co-curator of the XR exhibition SPECULATIVE SPECIES – VR Art in the Anthropocene and SPECULATIVE CULTURES – A VR Art Exhibition (both 2019) as well as the online exhibitions CAT HEROICUS SUBLIMIS (2016) and CLAIMING NEEDLES (2018).
Sebastian Keppler
Sebastian Keppler studied applied computer science at the HTW Berlin. He works at HTW as a research assistant in the ViTras project on the treatment of body schema disorders with VR/AR technologies. In his PhD he is working on collaborative hand interaction in virtual environments. He supports XR_Unites with his knowledge about embodiment and interactions with virtual bodies in immersive spaces.